What are the major benefits of swimming? Have you ever considered swimming? It is one of the best workouts you can do for your body. There are many reasons why swimming is a good choice for you. Let's talk about 5 of our favorite benefits to swimming! 1. Cardio AND strength training. If you are anything like me, then you know there is nothing much worse than cardio! (If you don't agree with that statement, I'm judging you. Just kidding... kind of.) The thought of running for miles both bores me and makes me want to clean my whole house first just to avoid it. But... I LOVE swimming! I always have. When I found out that swimming is both a cardio workout and strength training workout, I felt like there was hope for me to get into the shape I wanted to be in! Of course, a swimming workout looks a little different than the swimming I loved and was used to as a kid... but it's not near as bad as running in my book. 2. Great for your lungs. Now we know that swimm...
A swimming collective for academic purposes.